The Arnold Schwarzenegger Collection Arnold Schwarzenegger Memorabilia and more Mon, 27 Jan 2025 22:10:08 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 The Arnold Sports Festival Australia Tue, 02 May 2023 03:43:22 +0000 The Arnold Sports Festival is an international multi-sport event that was founded by Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1989. The festival is named after Schwarzenegger, and it takes place in several locations around the world. The Australian edition of the festival was held annually in Melbourne, and it was one of the most popular fitness and sporting events in the country.

The festival started as FitX, which was run by Tony Doherty (The owner of Dohertys Gym). His dream was to work alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger in bringing his Sports Festival to Australia, his dream became a reality, and it was terrific! There was a surprise announcement at the end of the last FitX ever over video on the big screen by Arnold himself, letting everyone know that he and Tony Doherty were bringing The Arnold Sports Festival to Australia!

The first one was huge. It was jammed with people! See the quick video below:

The Arnold Sports Festival in Australia typically spanned over three days, featuring various sporting events and competitions. Some of the popular events included bodybuilding, weightlifting, powerlifting, martial arts, fencing, pole dancing, and cheerleading. The festival also featured a large fitness expo where visitors could try out different fitness equipment, sample supplements and nutrition products, and attend seminars and workshops on health and wellness.

One of the highlights of the festival was the Arnold Classic, which is a bodybuilding competition that attracted some of the top athletes in the sport. The competition featured several categories, including men’s bodybuilding, women’s bodybuilding, and fitness. The winners of the Arnold Classic earn the coveted Arnold Schwarzenegger Classic trophy, and they also have the opportunity to compete in other major international bodybuilding events.

In addition to the sports competitions and fitness expo, the Arnold Sports Festival in Australia also featured various entertainment events, including live music, dance performances, and martial arts demonstrations. The festival was an excellent opportunity for fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and spectators to come together and celebrate their love of sport and fitness.

Overall, the Arnold Sports Festival in Australia was an exciting and inspiring event that promotes health and fitness, and it was definitely worth checking out in Melbourne, Australia.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Hungry TShirts Sat, 12 May 2018 02:12:20 +0000
Soon after The Arnold Collection was launched our graphic designer Mark Goudie made a design for “Staff Only” T-shirts. We had them printed and put them on whilst at the Arnold Sports Festival Australia…. And we got inundated with requests like “Hey bro where did you get that sweet T-shirt?” or “Ill buy that T-shirt off you right now for $50 – just swap t-shirts with me!”. So we realised that it was a winner! Soon after that we needed to stop selling the T-Shirts for a while so we took them offline. Now we are back and this time we decided to release the ones people were constantly asking about – we call it the Stay Hungry T-Shirt. Watch our store as we create more of these T-Shirts. We hope you enjoy it!
Arnold Schwarzenegger Tshirt
Arnold Schwarzenegger Collection Wallpapers and Backgrounds Fri, 27 Apr 2018 09:10:28 +0000

fb-profile-picWe have seen a massive jump in fans on our Facebook fanpage! 

In the past 5 weeks since meeting with Arnold and starting to upload candid photos we have grown from 75 fans to over 3500 fans!

In response to the massive success we have seen we have done some work on images which will allow our fans to brand their favourite devices like home or work computers, iPads or iPhones.

Link to The Arnold Collection Mon, 20 Oct 2014 23:05:27 +0000

We have received questions about people being able to link to our website. Here is some code you can place on your website which will enable you to reference an image which links to our site.

<a href=”” alt=”Arnold Schwarzenegger” title=”Arnold Schwarzenegger”><img src=”” alt=”Arnold Schwarzenegger”></a>

arnold schwarzenegger

We appreciate your link back to our website and are happy to give you a link to your Arnold Schwarzenegger related website if you would like us to!

The Arnold Classic Australia 2015 Tue, 30 Sep 2014 18:39:00 +0000
Arnold Classic Australia   Arnold Classic Australia – What a rush! Arnold Schwarzenegger is taking over the world of bodybuilding one country at a time! We recently attended FitX, Tony Doherty’s Fitness Expo which has been running for the last 14 years. At the expo Tony announced that FitX & his IFBB PRO SHOW was being closed! What a shock!
Sydney Opera House 1974 Spot “Revisited” Wed, 30 Jul 2014 20:20:13 +0000

Going back to 1974, was a cold April morning around 9-10am, Arnold had just just flown in at 6am that morning from Los Angeles. 

The Opera House was only one year old and a great spot to take some photos. The best spot was over the Harbour Bridge at a little suburban place next to the bridge called Kirribilli.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Guest Posing 1975 Australia Tue, 22 Apr 2014 21:41:53 +0000

In 1975, The Mr NSW was held as a state championship for bodybuilding in Australia. At the time Arnold Schwarzenegger was in Australia and was asked to guest pose – he was happy to do so.

Robert Nailon, a good friend and photographer, just happened to be competing in the competition and decided to snap some photographs of Arnold doing the guest posing routine. Arnold was in very good shape that year so it was a fantastic exhibition!

Arnold Schwarzenegger – Lifting the American Dream! Tue, 01 Apr 2014 23:41:36 +0000

It is hard to think about what Arnold Schwarzenegger has achieved is his life. Starting off as a professional bodybuilder – he began weight training at the age of only 15 – he is the true image of someone who can be successful in more areas.

Getting famous with being seven times Mr. Olympia champion, which is the highest degree of recognition a bodybuilder can get, he decided to go into acting. Even despite the start of his acting career, Arnold has simultaneously written many books and articles on the topic of weight lifting and bodybuilding.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Workout in Coogee Gym Sydney Australia Mon, 10 Feb 2014 15:06:35 +0000

The Coogee Gym series was taken in Coogee Gym in Sydney Australia in August / September 1975, immediately before Arnold won Mr Olympia in South Africa.  

Arnold Schwarzenegger Blueprint Video Mon, 10 Feb 2014 12:50:38 +0000

Arnold Schwarzenegger has released a new training blueprint by the look of it!

This should be a great guide to training and nutrition for those who really want to get fit and healthy! And who better to guide us in such a journey?

Our Arnold Schwarzenegger Posters are the perfect compliment to the blueprint!

“This is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s blueprint. It’s your map to an iron mind, epic physique, and incredible legacy. Here’s your exclusive first look at our most incredible training program ever.”

There’s a legend behind every legacy. There’s a blueprint behind every legend. This is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s blueprint—his workout program, nutrition plan, training philosophy, history, knowledge, thoughts on motivation and more. This is your map to success. Learn from the best bodybuilder of all time and build your own legacy.
